Enquiries often come in from home/small business and start-ups.
The usual story is that at home the space is too small, and largely because it’s unproductive (bodies running around, dog, chores,etc.!)
Here’s another aspect from a recent article below that may be of interest.
EMPLOYERS are supportive of home offices, but they are falling short when it comes to paying for them, a new Brisbane-focused survey has found.
Brisbane companies were found to pass costs onto the eight out of ten employees who maintain a home office according to research from global workplace provider Regus.
Home offices were found to cost the workers surveyed an average of $243 per month taking into account things such as equipment, energy bills, cleaning and maintenance.
For more than 50 per cent, the cost of setting up a fully functioning home office was in excess of 20 per cent of their annual salary.
Flexible working is increasing in Australia due to productivity gains for employers and employees, and better work-life balance for employees, but it seems attitudes to this lifestyle are lagging in real terms.
Of 76 per cent of local respondents who have a home office, 44 per cent believe most companies encourage working from home to transfer the cost of workspace.
Only 43 per cent of firms implicated in the survey contributed to kitting out employees’ home offices and the vast majority weren’t paying for insurance.
Read the full article at Brisbane Business News: HIDDEN COSTS OF HOME OFFICES