Thinking about a new space away from everything has it’s benefits, and some considerations can be managed up front, just ask your agent! See here an extract of steps to make the change – Five steps to making the leap…
The Weekend Edition visited one of my latest deals in busy Commercial Road Newstead/Teneriffe.. Hong the operator is a really great lady and what a delicious serving she creates. As I’m currently on a rice paper roll tour of Brisbane,…
I was delighted to help the Carla & Scott with their new Albion venture recently – just because I share their passion for food and can attest to the quality of the items they produce, which is top notch!
Agent Mikki Finlay. Source: WEBSITE: PROPERTY Prestigious Racecourse Rd, (Ascot end) is a new home to McGrath. This area is populated with designer boutiques and services catering to the ‘upmarket’ suburbs of Hamilton, Ascot, Clayfield and surrounds.
Some properties should have leased a long time ago! This one was on the market longer than expected and was snapped up by Design Blinds Australia who instantly saw the potential. A really nice clean tenancy formerly of Objex/Luxxbox Design.…
WEBSITE: SOCIAL MEDIA: PROPERTY Located in a strip shop on busy Lutwyche Rd, the centre has evolved to be a food hub and provides a lot of car parking which is a bonus!
WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: PROPERTY: 123 Charlotte St, Brisbane (Lucky me, I had the opportunity to help the PT’s Inspire Wellness in the lower ground, Carter Capner on the upper ground, and Apartment here on L1) A 1913 heritage property, formerly a hardware…
WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: @IdeationCafe BEAN HUNTER: Rated 8.4 (3 Reviews), visit the Bean Hunter’s article PROPERTY: 93 Vulture St, West End (next to Trash Bar) 1 of 2 small shops on Vulture St , just a short walk from Boundary, it…
WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: BEAN HUNTER: 7.2 (2 Reviews) visit the Bean Hunter’s article [Marvell St Coffee] PROPERTY: 340 Sandgate Rd, Albion Giant 2 story bright red building in Albion’s Heart, you can’t miss it driving along. The fitout is fantastic and worked in really…